It's hard to believe that it's been almost 10 years since we moved into Heartwood Cohousing and our dream of life in community became a reality. In those 10 years Heartwood has developed into quite an amazing little village. Our relationships have deepened immensely, the children are thriving, our ability to make wise decisions together and resolve conflicts continues to improve, the gardens and landscaping are flourishing, and I think it's safe to say that we've all grown individually as a result of living together in community. We are living the dream.
I don't know if it's the times that we live in or the reputation that Heartwood has developed, but inquiries about Heartwood and visits by prospective members are at an all time high.
If you're interested in realizing your dream of living in community, Heartwood's Phase 2 might be a great opportunity for you. I'd suggest you check out our extensive website (www.heartwoodcohousing.com )where details on reserving a place in phase to can be found. And maybe schedule a visit if it's been a while since you've visited. We've really grown and evolved. I've also set up an email chat just for people interested in Phase 2. To join, send a blank email to: HWP2-subscribe@googlegroups.com .
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email or call (970-884-2196). Note that I will be at the national cohousing conference in Seattle from June 20 - 29 so if you try to get ahold of me during that time, it will take me a while to get back to you. Unless of course, you're at the conference, in which case, please make a point of connecting with me there.
I'm looking forward to co-creating Heartwood Phase 2 with you.
Yours in Community,
Mac Thomson
Heartwood Cohousing
Southwest Colorado
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