Monday, January 28, 2008

Sledding Bonfire today

So what do you do when you get over a foot of snow and school is closed? Hmmm. How about a sledding party with hot chocolate and a small bonfire.

That's exactly what we did today at Heartwood.

Snow and Cohousing

Boy did we get another big snowstorm overnight. It is still snowing too. Over night we got at least another 12 inches of snow. This is unusual for us.

But everyone pitched in and cleared away parts of the community. We had people

  • shoveling walkways to the common house and the hottub,
  • operating the tractor to clear the parking lots and walkways,
  • using a snowblower to clear paths,
Later we're going to the sledding hill for a bonfire and fun. I will hopefully get some pics up of that too.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow, snow and more snow

Yesterday I sledded with my son and some of the neighbor kids. Way cool. It was Friday at Noon and I took a break from working at home and went out. Great fun Sunny day. Except my son says I hate skiing?!?! huh. Where did that come from?

Next... Sunday we head up to DMR (Durango Mountain Resort). We put my son in a lesson for the day. And hope for the best. :) What happens? He is totally jazzed about skiing now. He couldn't stop talking about how he had gone all the way up to the TOP of the mountain and skied down. He wanted to show us.

Maybe Wednesday... It's locals day at Wolf Creek.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Electrifying experience

So last night around 10pm I headed out to the hot tub. Mac was there and we got to talking about a bunch of things, but he mentioned that this snow we've been having is perfect for rolling in. (Nice powder). So I'm thinking, you mean I'm supposed to sit in this hot tub all comfortable (while it's like 20 degrees outside) and then get out and roll in the snow?

Yes was his answer.

So I did.

You're allowed to get back in the hot tub. In fact it is recommended. :)

Definitely invigorating. Almost Electric.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our Holiday Trip

This was our first Christmas in about 13 years where we were not with family. We celebrated Christmas here (the day after the Posada) let the kids play and then set out on a trip to southern California. The brief summary is that we drove for 1.5 days and got to San Diego, spent 2 days there and then spent New Years in Joshua Tree National Park. We then drove back here and got back on January 2nd.

We were pretty psyched to be able to take the holiday time and see these new areas of the country. (New to us at least). While we were gone, Heartwood celebrated the New Years here with a party and games. I'll let one of the other bloggers here tell you about it... :)

If you are interested in the details, then you can read about the trip here: New Year's Trip to California

Happy New Year.