Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kite Flying at Heartwood Cohousing

We have started a new group here at Heartwood that is focused on he boys and dads. Not to oversimplify it, but we get together to interact in an organized way.

So a couple of weeks ago we got together and built kites. I have to say I was worried about it myself. I didn't really think I was going to be able to build one successfully.

Well I was wrong. It was awesome and all the kites flew. None survived the flights, but they all at least flew well once.

Check out how much fun this was.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Willie Wonka in Durango

The Durango Arts Center has a children's program called "Applause" This season, Nichol, Robin and Kate all took part.

CandyMan, Grandma and an Umpa Lumpa. (How the heck do you spell that anyway?)