The Road to Live Food
October 10, 2010
Heartwood Cohousing
Bayfield, Colorado.
When: October 10, 2010
Where: Heartwood Cohousing and Heartwood Farms in Bayfield.
How Much?: Activities are Free. Dinner is $29 if tickets are purchased before October 7. Sorry! The dinner tickets are all sold out, but please join us for the other free activities during the day.

In celebration of Heartwood Cohousing's 10th Anniversary we are joining the Global 10-10-10 Movement sponsored by This movement was started by Bill McKibben as a grassroots effort to raise awareness of our need to reduce our carbon footprint and as a call to global leaders to "get to work" on the issue of global climate change. 350 parts per million is widely considered by scientists to be the upper "safe" limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Currently the atmospheric carbon dioxide level is at 390 parts per million.
One of the best ways we can each reduce our personal and family carbon footprint is by growing and eating locally produced organic food. Twenty percent of all carbon is a by-product of the industrial food system. Growing organically actually sequesters more carbon than it produces, and buying locally eliminates the 1300 or more miles the average bite of food has traveled before it hits your plate.
Two years ago, Heartwood Cohousing started Heartwood Farms to produce healthy food for our residents and to participate in the growing local food movement. The Farm supplies residents, restaurants and health food stores with high quality produce.
The event called, "The Road to Live Food" will be an all day event from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Volunteers can come to the farm to help with the final harvest and prepare the beds for next year's garden, ride horses, make corn dollies, learn how to make minimally processed apple sauce, participate in our open house and tour the community and visit homes which are for sale or rent. Starting at 5 p.m. guests are welcome to participate in a silent auction, Happy Harvest Hour with wine from Fox Fire Farms and Carver's Brewery, and a Farm to Table dinner with top local chefs from Cosmopolitan, Cyprus Cafe and La Cocina Linda.
Heartwood Farms and other local food producers will be showcasing their wares throughout the evening.
All events during the day are free! Ticket sales for the dinner are limited, $29 if payment is received before Oct. 7th, and $35 at the door pending availability.Sorry, dinner is sold out. Please join us for other activities during the day.
- 10-12 p.m. Help in Final Harvest
- & Prepare Gardens for 2011
- 12:30 Free lunch for volunteers
- 1:00 p.m. Take a Farm Tour with Bevan Williams
- See the unique seedling house we built which didn't freeze last winter with no auxillary heat.
- 2-4 p.m. Make Corn Dollies
- 2-4 p.m. Make Apple Sauce
- 4 p.m. Explore co-housing and take a tour of the community
- 2 p.m. - 9 p.m. Silent Auction
- 5p.m.- 6 p.m.Happy Hour
Farm To Table Gourmet Dinner (Sorry Sold Out.)
- Top Local Chefs from Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Cyprus Cafe and Cocina Linda and Nature's Oasis
- Wine provided by Fox Fire Farms
- Beer donated by Carver's Brewery
- Great Local Food
- Great Way to Support Local Food