Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Heartwood's Christmas Posada 2007

Christmas Eve we had a 3 house Posada with Hors d'œuvres (That's hard to spell) served at Eric and Laurie's and then over to Sue and Dave's for Soup and the main course and then over to Liz's for deserts and coffee.

Lots of smiles and laughter. The food was great. And of course...Pictures here to follow.
At Eric and Laurie's:

Nicely Done Kelly!!!

At Sue and Dave's:

At Liz's:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Heartwood Solstice Bonfire

Saturday Night we headed up to the bonfire pit just up the hill from the cluster. Not everyone was there at 7pm. I wandered in with a few other people, kids and dogs around 8:30 (I think). I ended up staying till around 10 or so and Jen Kelly and I put out the fire and headed home.

Happy Holidays... Happy Solstice.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fort Lewis College Dance Performance

Brought this over from the previous blog.

A few days ago we brought 2 of the kids in to Durango to see Mirabel perform in a dance performance at Fort Lewis College. It was pretty cool. The particular piece that she was in was choreographed by another resident here, Anne. We had a great time and enjoyed all of the pieces.

Here is a link to the particular event.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Columbine Christian's Christmas Pageant

Last Night was the last night to see the Columbine Christian School's Christmas Pageant. A number of the Heartwood kids were in it and they did a superb job. They even had to cover for a technical glitch that suddenly stopped all the music. India and Nichol had to ad lib few about a minute... I bet it seemed like an eternity to them..

A few pictures for you to see them in action..

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cohousing Movie

I got an email today telling me about this movie/documentary on cohousing. It's basically a cohousing video. It looks to me like it was filmed in Europe. This video was NOT filmed at heartwood cohousing here in Colorado. Thought is was interesting though.

Here is the email I received

Hi, we just published a documentary on the cohousing phenomenon. It won an award at the 34th Ekotopfilm festival 2007 and was designed to show what is cohousing “from within” as a complement to the existing books.
The trailer can be watched at
Director of “Voices of Cohousing”

Holiday Party

Sunday we had a holiday party here at heartwood cohousing. This is an annual event and it starts off with people performing songs and playing musical instruments. Many of the kids here took voice lessons every Wednesday after school. So we had a parade of songs both group and individual.

We also had songs played on the Piano and Violin by a couple of the kids as well.

Then ( and not necessarily in this order) some of the adults with talent got up and played songs on the guitar and piano topped off with a performance by a group of three guys here who got together and played the violin, guitar and flute.

You think we're done yet? Nope. The evening went on to include a sing-a-long that just wandered through a dozen or more christmas carols. Does anyone really know the words to the "Twelve days of Christmas"